ABBYY Lingvo English-Russian Dictionary is the best dictionary available for translating English to Russian and vice-versa. The program includes many dictionaries. Separate databases are available for informal words, idioms, management, financial, accounting, biology, medical, physics, science, engineering and it even includes a dictionary of wine. There is an English to English dictionary too called the “Collins dictionary”.
The program interface is quite simple and easy to use. The program can sit in the tray, and it uses very little resources. It has a pop-up help that works in the most popular applications such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, or Notepad. This is very helpful when you read eBooks or other documents too. I like the software because it is easy to use and it doesn’t slow down my computer while running in the background.
The program comes with Pocket-Pc, Smartphone and Symbian editions which are found in the program installation folder, so we can use them on our handheld devices without paying any extra price. A separate application installed along with the main program is “Lingvo tutor”. It is a language tutor which uses the data from the dictionary to help us learn Russian or English.
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